You may have noticed Twitter recently updated their mobile site when accessing it in TenFourFox. It used to look like this (old convo, don't know if anything came of it):
And now it looks like this:
The problem, as with most website "upgrades," is it's slow as molasses. Gone is the zippiness. Instead, we get a mobile site that's almost as slow as the regular site. So I boxed with FoxBox to see if it helped, and I found something interesting. I get a paired down, much faster version of Twitter:
Then I went back to TenFourFox and used User Agent Switcher to change the user agent to an iPhone 3 and found the same paired-down site. Interesting, so it's a user agent issue. The iPhone 3 solution isn't wholly satisfactory as it breaks some other sites, but after some trial and error, I found that the user agent for TenFourFox 37 gives me the same stripped-down, fast Twitter, so apparently Twitter Mobile only gives you the new layout if your user agent is TenFourFox 38 or higher.
I wanted to change the user agent to v. 37 permanently so I wouldn't have to switch user agents back and forth between sites, but User Agent Switcher has a bug/feature where it reverts to the default version after closing a window. So I did it the manual way, which is to enter about:config in the address bar and press return, type useragent in the search field, right click on some white space and choose New --> String from the menu. Enter this for the preference name:
Then enter this for the string (no line breaks):
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; PPC Mac OS X 10.4; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0 TenFourFox/7450
(UPDATE: I should add to revert to default, right-click on the preference and select "Reset".)
With this I'm all set, until sites warn me my version of Firefox is too old*, please update, etc., etc. Maybe by then there'll be some kind of site-specific user agent switching available, either built in or as an add-on. I'm sure Dr. Kaiser or somebody can whip that up on a lunch break, ha ha. (2ND UPDATE:this add-on is what I was looking for. Upon further review, this is too buggy.)
Anyway, this has been another episode of cling to PowerPC forever. I recently weighed my upgrade options, looking at a Mac Mini, a Macbook Air, and a Thinkpad, but I didn't find them appealing. With new Macs, I'd have to accept no Firewire, no Classic, no PowerPC support, not even Rosetta, and Apple's increasingly buggy software. With a Thinkpad and Linux, it'd be much the same.
I'll just stay right here in my lawn chair.
*this may also interfere with add-ons auto updating until you update the version string to a version the add-on supports. MrSeeker May 30, 2016 New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia
And now it looks like this:
The problem, as with most website "upgrades," is it's slow as molasses. Gone is the zippiness. Instead, we get a mobile site that's almost as slow as the regular site. So I boxed with FoxBox to see if it helped, and I found something interesting. I get a paired down, much faster version of Twitter:
Then I went back to TenFourFox and used User Agent Switcher to change the user agent to an iPhone 3 and found the same paired-down site. Interesting, so it's a user agent issue. The iPhone 3 solution isn't wholly satisfactory as it breaks some other sites, but after some trial and error, I found that the user agent for TenFourFox 37 gives me the same stripped-down, fast Twitter, so apparently Twitter Mobile only gives you the new layout if your user agent is TenFourFox 38 or higher.
I wanted to change the user agent to v. 37 permanently so I wouldn't have to switch user agents back and forth between sites, but User Agent Switcher has a bug/feature where it reverts to the default version after closing a window. So I did it the manual way, which is to enter about:config in the address bar and press return, type useragent in the search field, right click on some white space and choose New --> String from the menu. Enter this for the preference name:
Then enter this for the string (no line breaks):
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; PPC Mac OS X 10.4; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0 TenFourFox/7450
(UPDATE: I should add to revert to default, right-click on the preference and select "Reset".)
With this I'm all set, until sites warn me my version of Firefox is too old*, please update, etc., etc. Maybe by then there'll be some kind of site-specific user agent switching available, either built in or as an add-on. I'm sure Dr. Kaiser or somebody can whip that up on a lunch break, ha ha. (2ND UPDATE:
Anyway, this has been another episode of cling to PowerPC forever. I recently weighed my upgrade options, looking at a Mac Mini, a Macbook Air, and a Thinkpad, but I didn't find them appealing. With new Macs, I'd have to accept no Firewire, no Classic, no PowerPC support, not even Rosetta, and Apple's increasingly buggy software. With a Thinkpad and Linux, it'd be much the same.
I'll just stay right here in my lawn chair.
*this may also interfere with add-ons auto updating until you update the version string to a version the add-on supports. MrSeeker May 30, 2016 New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia

Untuk berhenti berlangganan paket internet XL saat ini (karena menu cenderung berubah secara berkala)
Read more MrSeeker May 28, 2016 New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia
Sudah menjadi sebuah kewajiban jika setiap komputer harus memiliki sistem keamanan yaitu aplikasi anti virus.
Demi keamanan dan kenyamanan dalam pemakaian komputer kita mesti harus selalu waspada, karena tidak semua aplikasi yang terinstal dalam komputer itu selalu aman untuk kita pakai.
Menggunakan anti virus dalam satu komputer cukup pakai 1 aplikasi anti virus saja, karena pada MrSeeker May 27, 2016 New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia

AnVir Task Manager: Anti virus sekaligus Sebagai Task Manager
Posted by Maestro Game VIP on Friday, May 27, 2016
Anda mungkin sering melihat orang memakai gelang seperti diperlihatkan pada gambar di samping ini. Itu adalah gelang fitnes tracking Mi Band.
Mi Band adalah salah satu produk dari Xiaomi yaitu berupa gelang yang berfungsi sebagai tracker atau sensor kesehatan, memonitor jumlah langkah kita, waktu dan kualitas tidur, detak jantung (Mi Band model 1S).
Juga berfungsi sebagai notifikasi melalui getaran pada gelang ketika ada panggilan telephone, sms, line, whatsapp, BBM, alarm, dll (tergantung settingan kita).
Read more
May 27, 2016
New Google SEO
Bandung, IndonesiaBeberapa waktu lalu di beritakan di beberapa media massa munculnya foto-foto syur artis dari salah satu anggota grup penyanyi Duo Serigala di internet, pasti pernah dengar kan? Kenapa hal-hal yang sangat pribadi seperti itu bisa muncul dan tersebar di internet?
Tidak lain dan tidak bukan hal tersebut terjadi karena kelalaian dari pemilik akun itu sendiri. Dan jelas sekali hal tersebut sangat MrSeeker May 18, 2016 New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia
Tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi kemajuan teknologi berkembang dengan pesat, semua kebutuhan dan beban kerja manusia sudah banyak yang tergantikan oleh kecanggihan teknologi.
Salah satunya yaitu penggunaan ponsel, hampir semua penduduk Indonesia memiliki alat yang bernama ponsel, tak terkecuali para pengemis (gak percaya? selidiki aja sendiri :) tapi gak semuanya juga).
Kini kecanggihan ponsel MrSeeker May 11, 2016 New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia

Mengendalikan Komputer Jarak Jauh Menggunakan Ponsel
Posted by Maestro Game VIP on Wednesday, May 11, 2016
No, not MacBook, Mac book. As in someone's writing a book about gaming on the Mac called "The Secret History of Mac Gaming." As the title suggests, it's going to be a narrative-style retelling of the history of Mac game development and draws on all sorts of interviews with key players from the 68k era through the early 2000s. What could make this interesting is these were for the most part indie developers who followed their own muses and came up with some really creative UIs and gameplay, so I'm sure they have great stories to tell.
The author, Richard Moss, emailed me drawing my attention to this and has some serious credentials, having written for Ars Technica, Edge, Mac|Life and several gaming sites as well as producing a podcast, Ludiphilia. There's a crowdfunding site for both digital and deluxe print editions of the book which you can visit here. There's also a pitch video on Youtube. Both links will tell you a bit more about the project and how you can contribute, so I'd encourage you to check them out.
I'm in for £10 for the ebook, so I'll have my name in the back of the book. Finally I get my name on a book that sells :))))))) MrSeeker May 08, 2016 New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia
The author, Richard Moss, emailed me drawing my attention to this and has some serious credentials, having written for Ars Technica, Edge, Mac|Life and several gaming sites as well as producing a podcast, Ludiphilia. There's a crowdfunding site for both digital and deluxe print editions of the book which you can visit here. There's also a pitch video on Youtube. Both links will tell you a bit more about the project and how you can contribute, so I'd encourage you to check them out.
I'm in for £10 for the ebook, so I'll have my name in the back of the book. Finally I get my name on a book that sells :))))))) MrSeeker May 08, 2016 New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia
Terkadang ketika kita sedang facebook-an ada teman yang mengupload sebuah video yang menarik perhatian kita, entah itu video yang berisi video lucu, mengharukan, atau apalah. Yang jelas dengan adanya video tersebut menggugah hati kita ingin men-download-nya.
Sayangnya facebook sendiri tidak menyediakan link atau pun tombol khusus untuk download video, sama seperti pada youtube.
Jika di MrSeeker May 02, 2016 New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia